Who we are

Driving standards across the industry to enable vastly improved business, society and patient outcomes

As an organisation we believe that the application of data, intelligence and reason can improve business, society and patient outcomes.

We work beyond the data to deliver cutting edge solutions that help our customers understand the real drivers behind patient health.

We are your trusted partner for Real World Data (RWD), Real World Evidence (RWE), Advanced Analytics and Health Data Services.

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employees in over
10 countries
and over
professionals in the UK
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revenue (2024)

Cegedim Group key figures

Cegedim Health Data is part of the Cegedim Group; an innovative Technology, Services and Real World Data Company with more than 50 years’ experience.

We provide Real World Data and Evidence (RWD-E) services, including advanced and bespoke analytics to drive cutting edge improvements in patient care, health and outcomes.

Who we help

Life Science Professionals


Clinical Research Organisations





Product & Services

Primary Care (THIN) Data

THIN® is an unobtrusive medical data collection scheme that collects anonymised patient data from its members.

Our aim is to enable advancements in patient care and outcomes by assisting leading healthcare technology companies, authorities, academics and research organisations with healthcare research and analysis.

Population Health Management

Research that facilitates the improvement of patient care across the general population

Primary Care Policy

Use of anonymised data to help better inform Health Authorities on how primary care services can be delivered and targeted more effectively

Secondary Care Policy

Analysis of the effectiveness of referral and treatment pathways ensuring appropriate procedures are in place to enable transfer of a patient’s care across multiple healthcare settings

Epidemiological Research

Understanding trends in the presence or absence of diseases and disorders and their effects on society


The assessment, monitoring and prevention of adverse effects with pharmaceutical products

Evidence for Drug Approvals

Real world data regarding the usage and potential benefits or risks of drugs.

Dispensing Data

Our dispensing data provides Insights on product performance from the UK’s No.1 PMR provider. Cegedim’s Pharmacy Manager has been in the market for more than 20 years. It is a complete pharmacy management solution that enables pharmacies to dispense drugs safely, manage stock and deliver services to patients.

Our dispensing data enables:

Product performance and market share monitoring

Track Repeat and Switch

Impact measurement of marketing or promotional campaigns

Prescription dynamics and switch assessment

Product launch and sales tracking

Adherence & persistence tracking

LOE and market impact post LOE

Generic and Branded prescribing analysis

THIN Research

Primary Research to provide answers to specific questions. Retrospective, Prospective and Disease specific studies.

Market Access:
Used to build information as part of NICE TA application

Investigate patient safety as part of post marketing surveillance and patient reported outcomes

To uncover knowledge behind HCP prescription habits e.g. adherence to guidelines

Real World Evidence:
Undertake validation studies

Outcomes Manager

A simple and innovative approach to population health management.
Outcomes Manager works alongside primary care clinical systems to provide support to healthcare professionals through the provision of risk calculators, alerts and clinical pathways.

Cegedim Health Data Lab uses THIN data, together with predefined calculations around aggregated data to understand market trends (Market Intelligence), or more bespoke analysis to answer specific questions about longitudinal patient information such as treatment pathways (Patient Intelligence)

Marketing Intelligence

Patient Intelligence

Bespoke Analysis & Dashboards

We have a dedicated team of data analysts, business intelligence and data scientists to assist and provide tailored analytics, with a variety of deliverables including the creation of bespoke dashboards powered by THIN.

Promote important patient safety advice and key product information

Raise awareness of product discontinuations and pack changes

Alleviate fears around changes to medication names, packaging, formulation, appearance

Explain and mitigate the risks of out of stock situations

Educate the need for good adherence & persistence and medication regimens (dose titration)

Direct patients to patient support programmes

Drive traffic to disease awareness materials/sites

Our Health Data Services include:

Pharmacy Pop-Up Notifications

Provide pharmacists with key product information and can be very effective at encouraging them to engage with patients to deliver communications to patients that aim to support their disease/therapy management, understanding and safety.

Pharmacy Bag-Label & PIL

Used to directly communicate with target patient populations and have proved very useful in raising awareness of important product information and associated support resources.


If you’ve got a question, or would like more information about our products and services then please get in touch.